99 หมู่ที 1 นิคมอุตสาหกรรมไฮเทค ตาํบลบา้นเลน อาํเภอบางปะอิน จงัหวดัพระนครศรีอยธุยา 13160 ประเทศไทย โทรศพัท ์(035) 350 880 โทรสาร (035) 350 881 www.aapico.com 99 Moo 1, Hitech Industrial Estate
quarter 1/2017 by Baht 34.98 million or 244.79%. which increase from operate potable water production system for Wellgrow Industrial Estate and design & construction of wastewater treatment system for TFD2
The Acquisition of Assets is the purchase of 2 rai - 2 ngan - 52 square wah of land, Title deed No. 35012, located at Lat Krabang Industrial Estate, and the total value is Baht 36,820,000. The
www.aapico.com 99 Moo 1, Hitech Industrial Estate, Tambol Ban Lane, Amphur Bangpa-in, Ayuthaya Province 13160, Thailand Tel (035) 350 880 Fax (035) 350 881 Website: www.aapico.com บริษทั อาปิโก ไฮเทค จาํกัด (มหาชน
its subsidiaries (the “Company”) reassessed its business structure to move towards Green Businesses targeting renewable energy and real estate business. To pursue its business strategy, the Company
SHR MD&A EN Management’s Discussion and Analysis S Hotels and Resorts Public Company Limited S Hotels & Resorts, A Singha Estate Company | www.shotelsresorts.com Page 1 of 8 August 13, 2020
, decreased in amount of 12.0 million Baht or 33.3 percent. Real estate revenue was lower than last year due to the economic downturn resulting in the company postponing the new project development plan which
SHR MDA 3Q19_TH ค ำอธิบำยและกำรวิเครำะห์ของฝ่ำยจดักำร บรษิทั เอส โฮเทล แอนด ์รสีอรท์ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) S Hotels & Resorts, A Singha Estate Company | www.shotelsresorts.com หน้า 1/8 ค ำอธิบำยและกำรวิเค
from rentals the real estate, amount Baht 0.036 million, decrease Baht 0.015 million or decreased 29.41 percent due to less tenant. 1.5) Other Incomes, amount Baht 0.97 million, decrease Baht 7.70
(COVID-19) epidemic. The tourists have decreased. The company has opened a conference center which can earn enough income for monthly expenditures. 1.4 Revenue from real estate rental was 0.14 million baht