with the Company Relationship with Jungle World No. of Shares in Jungle World % Sharehol ding Mr. Pin Kewkacha Executive Director Authorized Authorized Signatory 51,200 20.38 Mr. Kittikorn Kewkacha
company operation were design, manufacture, assembling of refueling vehicles and aircraft service equipment. Currently, the payment of shares, Bt54.0 million, was already paid and 2) BPTG Company Limited
company operation were design, manufacture, assembling of refueling vehicles and aircraft service equipment. Currently, the payment of shares, Bt54.0 million, was already paid and 2) BPTG Company Limited
Power Public Company Limited (CKP) with total gains on sale of investment in the amount of Baht 184 Million, net of corporate income tax. 3. On July 16, 2018, the Company sold 111.2 million shares of CK
disposition of the common shares which was Baht 42.0 million. In addition, we booked profit from revenue from concrete for Baht 8.62 million and revenues from fuel and construction materials for Baht 11.45 baht
of the Company and its subsidiaries amounting to THB 200.89 million. Moreover, the Company has paid dividend from the profit for the year 2018 of Baht 0.17 per share of 540,000,000 ordinary shares, or
October 2019 - 10 October 2022 2.70 2. The Company has been repurchasing stocks since the end of 2018. As of 31 December 2019, the Company has bought back 21.5 million shares worth 142.11 million THB (the
listed company and directors, management and shareholders directly or indirectly holding shares amounting to 10% or more -None- The Board of Directors is responsible for this information disclosure to the
ทรัพย์จัดกำรกองทุน ทิสโก้ จ ำกัด กำรเข้ำร่วมกำรต่อต้ำนทุจริต ได้รับกำรรับรอง CAC* กำรลงทุนในกองทุนรวมไม่ใช่กำรฝำกเงนิ กองทุนเปิด ทิสโก ้ไชน่ำ A-Shares อิควิตี้ เพือ่กำรเลี้ยงชีพ TISCO China A-Shares Equity
ให้ชำระมูลค่าหุ้นแล้ว ให้แยกแสดงเป็นหุ้นแต่ละชนิด ดังนี้ 22.1 หุ้นบุริมสิทธิ (Preference shares) 22.2 หุ้นสามัญ (Ordinary shares) 23. ส่วนเกิน (ต่ำกว่า) มูลค่าหุ้นและหุ้นทุนซื้อคืน (Share premium