(maximum limit) ไว้ในรายการนโยบายการลงทุนของกองทุนรวมดังกล่าวในหนังสือชี้ชวนส่วนข้อมูลกองทุนรวมด้วย ข้อ 5/14 ในกรณีที่กองทุนรวมเพื่อผู้ลงทุนสถาบันหรือผู้ลงทุนรายใหญ่พิเศษมีการกำหนดใน
การลงทุนในหลกัทรัพยท่ี์มีความเส่ียงสูงนั้น เพื่อเป็นการจ ากดัความเสียหายต่อ ผูล้งทุนประเภทดงักล่าว จึงมีการก าหนดมูลค่าของการเสนอขายหลกัทรัพยไ์ว ้(offering amount limit) กล่าวคือ กิจการสามารถเสนอขายหล
derivatives positions; (b) instruct the closing out of derivatives positions; 4 (c) limit derivatives positions; (d) limit derivatives trading volume. (2) establish the rules requiring members to obtain a
by the SFC, as its master fund will be deemed to have substantially complied with Notification Tor Nor. 87/2558, including investment restrictions under (regarding single entity limit),
) rating mutual fund and publishing the information on mutual fund rating with honesty, fairness, impartial, independence as well as due care for the sake of information recipients; (3) indicating the
such funds with honesty and integrity by exercising their knowledge, competency and expertise with due care and prudence of the same standard or in the same manner as a professional. Clause 3 In managing
companies oversee and manage such funds with honesty and integrity by exercising their knowledge, competency and expertise with due care and prudence of the same standard or in the same manner as a
companies oversee and manage such funds with honesty and integrity by exercising their knowledge, competency and expertise with due care and prudence of the same standard or in the same manner as a
will be ready, and such personnel shall have knowledge, abilities and experience appropriate for the nature of the responsible jobs and shall have integrity, honesty, professional ethics, fundamental
will be ready, and such personnel shall have knowledge, abilities and experience appropriate for the nature of the responsible jobs and shall have integrity, honesty, professional ethics, fundamental