currently studying the opportunity to expand its luxury villa management business under Elite Havens brand in Europe and Australia to mitigate the geographic concentration risk; • Asset portfolio
currently studying the opportunity to expand its luxury villa management business under Elite Havens brand in Europe and Australia to mitigate the geographic concentration risk; • Asset portfolio
management business under Elite Havens brand in Europe and Australia to mitigate the geographic concentration risk; • Asset portfolio rationalization. The Company has been actively managing its hotel assets to
significantly. In addition, resulting the need to postpone a large-scale project auction and there are a few SI project in the market, thus those had a higher competition, resulting gross margin was declined
2016, since in 2017, the Company received large-scale projects that delayed from previous auctions such as internet for village project or internet for public domain, which is a high value project but
2016, since in 2017, the Company received large-scale projects that delayed from previous auctions such as internet for village project or internet for public domain, which is a high value project but
(Feeder Fund) ได้ โดยไม่ทำให้ระดับความเสี่ยงของการลงทุน (risk spectrum) เพิ่มขึ้น ท้ังน้ี ให้เป็นไปตามดุลยพินิจของผู้จัดการกองทุนซึ่งขึ้นอยู่กับสถานการณ์ ตลาด โดยเป็นไปเพื่อประโยชน์สูงสุดของผู้ถือหน่วยลงทุน
...................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Leveraging climate bonds to develop low carbon transport infrastructure .................................... 4 2.1 The scale of the challenge
notification is due to the fact that at present securities companies are allowed to make offshore investment which contains higher risks than domestic investment in such areas as foreign exchange rate risk
is due to the fact that at present securities companies are allowed to make offshore investment which contains higher risks than domestic investment in such areas as foreign exchange rate risk