), Lamphun is under the management of a subsidiary company Divide the area into 70% industrial area, 10% commercial area and utility area (Green area) 20%, all of which are under development and construction
under the management of a subsidiary company Divide the area into 70% industrial area, 10% commercial area and utility area (Green area) 20%, all of which are under development and construction. The
field and parking lot with Jainnopsiri Company Limited (Held by Mrs. Sirima Iamsakulrat and Mr.Jain Charnnarong) period 10 year since June1, 2020 or the date of possession of the area, whichever the date
ระหวำ่ง กลุ่มประเทศสมำชิกในอำเซียน (ASEAN CIS) ไดแ้ก่ ไทย สิงคโปร์ และมำเลเซีย (3) Asia Region Funds Passport (ARFP)2 ซ่ึงเป็นโครงกำรเสนอขำยกองทุนรวมขำ้มพรมแดนระหวำ่ง กลุ่มประเทศสมำชิก ไดแ้ก่
802.1 -24.6 Total Year 3,131.8 3,149.9 -18.1 3,422.3 3,306.8 115.5 Table 4: Sales and volume sold, by Region (PCB Sales @ Factory price) % Incr. (Decr.) Y-o-Y Q-o-Q 4Q18 Y2018 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 Y2019
, and among other countries interested in investing in the region, such as Japan and China. Overall, the Thai economy is heading towards a recovery path in line with that of the global economy, albeit
grow. Expanding business toward secure debt acquisition to manage. And set up collection business in CLMV region. Management and Discussion Analysis FS2017 Page 7/7 Jaymart Public Company Limited 3
product portfolio. MACO is now also exploring potential opportunities to expand our network to neighboring countries in Southeast Asian. We are responding to robust economic growth in the region and the
9.16 Million Baht or 60.78% from the same period of previous year as the increased in testing and inspection service income in eastern region amounting of 5.45 Million Baht, accounting for 56.17% of
to less rainfall and low water level in reservoirs which unfavored for agricultural production. And once it was rainy season, the Northeastern region of Thailand also had a severe flood that caused a