THB 71.9mn or 8.0% YoY. Of which, THB 774.2mn, or 93.2% of the total revenue was from sales of real estate of 6 projects which details are presented as below table, THB 10.7mn was from F&B business and
9.55 186.98 994.57 2 Comparison of the six-month period profit and loss ended June 30th, 2018 and 2017 Unit: Million Baht Note: The ratio in the income statement is presented as a percentage of total
presented as a percentage of total income. The cost of sales of real estate is shown as a percentage of revenue from the sale of real estate. Income For the third quarter period of 2018, the Company's total
that presented in Service income received in advance part was 163.81 Million Baht, increased by 131.12 Million Baht compared with 2016, or 401.11%. Because of the increasing award projects that mention
that presented in Service income received in advance part was 163.81 Million Baht, increased by 131.12 Million Baht compared with 2016, or 401.11%. Because of the increasing award projects that mention
2017, varied to the decreasing of revenue from sales of land and houses , details as presented in operating revenue table. Gross profit margin for the year as at December 2018 and as at December 2017 as
income statement is presented as a percentage of total income. The cost of sales of real estate is shown as a percentage of revenue from the sale of real estate. Income For the three-month period of 2019
presented in operating revenue table. Gross profit margin for the year 2019 and 2018 as 25.94%, 27.46% decrease 1.52% 4. Expenses 4.1 Distribution cost In the year 2019, the distribution cost at Baht 41.75
, resulted to a reclassification of Right-of-use assets under all leases (except short-term leases and leases of low-value assets) to presented seperately under the account name as “Right-of- use assets” which
accordance with the reduction in registered capital and to be presented to the shareholders for approval. 3. Approve the increase of registered capital and amendment on the Memorandum of Association to be in