their sustainability reporting … 1) Processes by which the board/board committee are informed about climate-related issues 2) How the board monitors progress against goals and targets for addressing
had invested in products and services in the large projects that those were in progress but not yet completed. As a result, the trade accounts payable increased as well as the unbilled Receivables
joint venture agreement and establishment of a company are being prepared. The Company would inform the Stock Exchange of Thailand on the progress in due course. Please kindly be informed accordingly
of mainly indirect staff cost, office rental and depreciation & amortization. The increase in SG&A is mainly attributed to the write off of 16.97 mb of accrued work-in-progress resulting from
increase of Baht 24.73 million or 5.28 % increase. The significant increase was the current asset of unbilled completed work value of Baht 33.07 million since the work progress has not yet been achieved as
029/2017 dated 1 August 2017 regarding to the notification of the progress of capital increase of WCI Holding Co., Ltd. According to WCI Holding Co., Ltd. (“WCIH”), subsidiary company of E for L Aim
Cost Approach 62,663,815 Baht Income Approach 45,856,719.89 Baht 3.Project Progress Completed Construction 90 % and partial ownership Operated by 1. Mogen (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. 2. Bangkok Extreme
the Company obtains new projects which were still work in progress and not yet completed for delivery. Other current assets decreased by 34.3 MB or 36.3%, due to an increase in prepaid maintenance cost
contract, there have been 2 completed projects in this captioned quarter but there has been no new awarded one. Investment project on hand as ended September 30, 2017 The progress of the 2 investment
. Payment process : Payment will depend on the agreement with the contract party that will be in portion payment and subjected to work progress. The period of project operation is approximately 18 months. 6