step acquisition of investment in associate (CAZ) on 7 April 2016. Thus, there was no Share of profit (loss) of associates as the prior year. tel:02-455-2888 บริษัท ทาคูนิ กรุ๊ป จ ากดั (มหาชน) เลขท่ี 140
Derivatives Intermediar y. In addition, where a major shareholder is a juristic person, a director, a manger and a partner of such person shall not have prohibited characteristics as well; (6) demonstrating
Derivatives Intermediary. In addition, where a major shareholder is a juristic person, a director, a manger and a partner of such person shall not have prohibited characteristics as well; (6) demonstrating that
Characteristics of Major Shareholder of Derivatives Intermediar y. In addition, where a major shareholder is a juristic person, a director, a manger and a partner of such person shall not have prohibited
Major Shareholder of Derivatives Intermediary. In addition, where a major shareholder is a juristic person, a director, a manger and a partner of such person shall not have prohibited characteristics as
Major Shareholder of Derivatives Intermediary. In addition, where a major shareholder is a juristic person, a director, a manger and a partner of such person shall not have prohibited characteristics as
where such major shareholder is a legal entity, its director, manager and partner do not have any of such prohibited characteristics; 6) Being able to show its sound and effective management system; (7
where such major shareholder is a legal entity, its director, manager and partner do not have any of such prohibited characteristics; 6) Being able to show its sound and effective management system; (7
operator, and in the case where such major shareholder is a legal entity, its director, manager and partner do not have any of such prohibited characteristics; 6) Being able to show its sound and effective
ล้านบาท ลดลง 74 ล้านบาทหรือร้อยละ 46.6 โดยมีสาเหตหุลกัเกิดจากค่าธรรมเนียมในส่วนของ CFC ที่ลดลงเหลือเพียงหน่ึงใน สามสอดคล้องกบัการปรับสถานะผู้สนบัสนนุจาก Principal partner เป็น Global partner อีกทัง้ มี