Fixed Income Fund ณ เดอืนสงิหาคม 2564 ผลการดําเนินงานกองทุนหลัก Benchmark: AIA Diversified Fixed Income Blended BBG/Barclays/JPM Benchmark 25 2. AIA New Multinationals Fund ผลการดําเนินงานกองทุนหลัก
ผสม (Mixed-use Development) เชน่ โครงกำรทีพั่กอำศัย ควบคู่กับกำรบรหิำรตน้ทุนกำร ด ำเนนิงำนและค่ำใชจ้่ำยในกำรบรหิำรอย่ำงต่อเนื่อง ปัจจุบัน CPN บรหิำรจัดกำรศนูยก์ำรคำ้ 33 แห่ง มีพื้นที่ใหเ้ช่ำสุทธิรวม 1.8
agreements of Riau Combined-Cycle Power Plant Project in the Republic of Indonesia On March 20, 2019, PT Medco Ratch Power Riau, an indirect joint venture that the Company held a 49 percent stake through RH
we expect challenges in terms of volumes. Lime export growth in Thailand has is strong at 33% year to date which is supportive of the domestic market where Golden Lime and Saraburi Quicklime combined
months of 2021, the Company aims to generate the sales volume of 8 billion THB and launch 9 new projects with the combined value of 8.5 billion THB i.e. 3 residential condominium projects and 6 single
primarily in the steel and construction segments. Combined with the ultra-weak sugar season that ended early in April, the burnt sales volumes were under significant pressure resulting an 8% lower sales
. Total Sales Volume 5,100 3. Total Backlog 4,900 2,100 7,000 - Translation - In Q4/2019 and 2020, the Company prepares to launch 10 new residential condominium and single house projects with the combined
PET, Packaging and Specialty Chemicals are now grouped under Combined PET given the inter-related nature of their businesses. Table 2: Segment Results (New Grouping) Full year $million (except where
has started the production line of crispy and grilled seaweed at the Rojana factory in order to support the sales in the export market and combined with the issues of changes of the Myanmar workers
) has proceeded the hearing on the Notification of SPP Replacement for SPP combined cycle cogeneration plant that PPA will be expired during 2019-2025. Tentative timeline is EGAT will notify ERC on the