collateral to the lender in order to guarantee the borrower’s performance of obligation. Additionally, the lender has to return the collateral to the borrower when the borrower returns the securities to the
collateral to the lender in order to guarantee the borrower’s performance of obligation. Additionally, the lender has to return the collateral to the borrower when the borrower returns the securities to the
significantly higher loss from the past. Currently, the Company has limitation in submitting an application for the bank to issue a letter of guarantee, which affects to operation in core business as to
most reliable information accessible, but cannot guarantee its accuracy, completeness and up-to-datedness. Vigeo Eiris provides its services with the utmost professional care and quality assurance of its
the rights to broadcasting the Football Leagues. Further, Triple CH agrees to guarantee its performance under the Business Collaboration and Investment Agreement for the period of 18 months from
expenses incurred in connection with obtaining the rights to broadcasting the Football Leagues. Further, Triple CH agrees to guarantee its performance under the Business Collaboration and Investment
. letter of guarantee ที่ธนาคารพาณิชยเปนผูออกใหแกกองทนุเพื่อเปนประกันการคืนหลักทรัพย ใหแกกองทุน โดยธนาคารพาณิชยนั้นยนิยอมรับผิดในฐานะลูกหนี้ช้ันตน 6. หุนจดทะเบียนในตลาดหลักทรัพยแหงประเทศไทยที่
ไปนี้ (1) เบี้ยปรับหรือคาเสียหาย (settlement) ในกรณีที่ผูรับเหมาทํางาน ลาชากวากําหนด และคาเสียหายในกรณีที่เครื่องจักรไมสามารถ เดินเครื่องไดตามที่รับประกนัไว (performance guarantee) (2) ในกรณี
in connection with obtaining the rights to broadcasting the Football Leagues. Further, Triple CH agrees to guarantee its performance under the Business Collaboration and Investment Agreement for the
Football Leagues after deducting costs and expenses incurred in connection with obtaining the rights to broadcasting the Football Leagues. Further, Triple CH agrees to guarantee its performance under the