hundred one million two hundred and fifty thousand baht) Project duration 2020-2022 (3 years) บมจ.0107537002109 Page 15 of 15 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Demeter Corporation Public Company
are affected by the COVID-19 situation, on a on straight-line amortization basis throughout the contract duration of tenants amounted THB 839 mn and THB 168 mn of income tax expense on the rental
are affected by the COVID-19 situation, on a on straight-line amortization basis throughout the contract duration of tenants amounted THB 789 mn and THB 158 mn of income tax expense on the rental
lead appraiser under this Chapter shall not have a duration for more than 2 years at each time as stipulated by the SEC Office in the approval letter. Clause 14 In case an appraisal company in capital
account what matters most to the Stakeholders experiencing the outcomes (including magnitude and duration of the impact), (ii) value outcomes consistently using wellbeing as the common measure, (iii
. to introduce ‘4D’ strategies (Diversification, Defensive, Duration and Discipline) in order to cope with market volatility through diversification of asset classes, focusing on defensive investment for
the purchase period may be extended or shortened, and the manner and duration of possible extensions or possible early closure or shortening of this period. Describe the manner in which the latter shall
เมื่อทวงถามหรือจะครบกําหนดชําระคืน หรือมีอายุสัญญาไมเกิน 1 ปนบัแตวันที่ลงทุนใน ทรัพยสินหรือเขาทําสัญญานั้น และม ีportfolio duration ในขณะใดขณะหนึ่ง ไมเกนิ 3 เดือน เสี่ยงปานกลาง คอนขางต่ํา 2 กองทุน
operate the Project, and is a contracting party to the power purchase agreement with Take-or-Pay Condition with Électricité du Laos (“EDL”). The contract duration is 27 years starting from 29th January 2016
‘4D’ strategies (Diversification, Defensive, Duration and Discipline) in order to cope with market volatility through diversification of asset classes, focusing on defensive investment for generating