, excluding finance cost totalling THB 412.5 million, increased by THB 23.9 million, or 6.1% yoy, because of the business expansion, re-organization and marketing promotion to support the n order to support
% respectively. The expenses in sales (excluding ownership transfer expenses) increased 355.17% from the brokerage fee of Lumpini Suite Petchaburi - Makkasan project, the income of which was recognized in Q1/2019
sales expenses (excluding ownership transfer expenses) increase 46.18% as a result of the brokerage fee from the recognized income of 25.62 million THB of Lumpini Suite Petchaburi - Makkasan. Main income
quarter, number of passengers was 1.3 million passengers, increased by 2.3 percent with mainly contributed from point-of-sale in Asia excluding Thailand at 26.0 percent, Thailand at 22.0 percent and Europe
THB from Q2/2017. The income from sales, income from rental and service fee and income from management fee increase 11.53%, 10.56% and 16.85% respectively. The sales promotion costs (excluding ownership
airline business, 7.3 percentage growth in both airport business and airport-related businesses, excluding cargo services. The significant increased amount derived from airport related businesses which
airline business, 7.3 percentage growth in both airport business and airport-related businesses, excluding cargo services. The significant increased amount derived from airport related businesses which
%. The income from rental and service fee and management fee increases 37.58% and 20.52% respectively. Moreover, in order to sell ready-to-move-in projects, the sales promotion costs (excluding ownership
the same period last year with mainly increased from international point of sale countries by 10.0 percent from Europe and Asia region (excluding Thailand). In Asia, North Asia region mainly contributed
Bank’s loans amounted to Baht 2,353,848 million, an increase of 14.2 percent from the end of 2019. When excluding Permata, loans grew by 3.4 percent from increases in loans to businesses, in line with the