Year of 2018 WHAUP finished our 2018 with the record high Net Profit of Baht 2,251.9 million, a 13.7% increase from 2017 with Normalized Net Profit of Baht 2,267.8 million, a 61.2% increase from 2017. 1
performance of the Group Unit: Million Baht Q3’ 2018 Q3’ 2017 Increase (decrease) Variance (%) Total revenues 1,875 1,853 22 1% Net profit 137 54 83 154% The Group’s total revenues for the third quarter of 2018
shelters on the land, bought by the Company in 2016 with the purpose to raise and breed the Company’s excess animals, were not able to proceed as planned. The development was prolonged until the additional
from Sales and Services Description Year 2020 Year 2019 Increase / (Decrease) Million Baht % of Total Revenue Million Baht % of Total Revenue Million Baht % Revenues from Sales 1,143.16 92.40 1,213.54
, per this transaction, IGEN-ENERGY has many signed projects with total size of 6.60 Megawatts. and backlogs about 200 million baht on hand, leading to more potential to raise revenue in the future
1.11% from the same period of the prior year. The total revenue was 1,036.22 million baht, an increase of 25.83 million baht or 2.56% . Interest expenses were 263. 73 million baht, an increase of 38. 34
the consolidate financial statement has net loss 3.40 Million Baht, increase of 21.29 Million Baht or 119.01% comparing to the last year. Loss attributable to equity holders of the parent is 5.61
, compared with the same period of the previous year. Baht 1.57 million or an increase of Baht 32.73 million or an increase of 2,084.71% from the following reasons. 1. Sales and services income decreased
its subsidiaries recorded net profit of 10,463 million baht, increase of 12 million baht or increase by 0.11% 1. In the year 2018, the Company recorded sales income in an amount of 30,514 million baht
942.23 million Baht for the year ended December 31, 2018 which increased from the same quarter last year totaling 162.19 million Baht or 25.28 % due to the increase in sales resulted in gross profit of