. Limited (“VNTH”), its subsidiary in Singapore, and then realized loss on foreign currency differences on dissolution amounting to -13 MB from other comprehensive income to the loss for the year. MTHB % MTHB
: 1) A change in foreign currency exchange rates Table 1: Foreign currency exchange rates and sales in foreign currency 2) A higher cost of main raw materials Table 2: Raw material prices and purchased
scrap materials and tax cards income. 4. Profit from foreign exchanges increased by 77.69 million baht (from 27.75 million baht in 2016 to 105.44 million baht in 2017) due to forward foreign currency
of office building. Exchange loss increased from 3.7 million baht to 6.2 million baht due to currency exchange fluctuation during the six-month period. - Profit for the period dropped 21% from 85.4
international automotive business. Overall, Aeroflex and Aeroklas experienced the fluctuation in currency during the quarter 2 Eastern Polypack’s revenue from sale was similar to previous year, the company
was no cost in Q3 2020. Gain on foreign currency exchange rate was at Baht 107.86 million in Q3 2021, compared to a gain of Baht 52.11 million in Q3 2020, caused by depreciation of Thai Baht. Gain on
Baht 321 million. The increase in core operating profit was mainly due to increased volume and revenue of automotive parts business. Loss on foreign currency exchange rate was at Baht 3.5 million in Q1
หน่วยงานกำกับดูแลในต่างประเทศ (2) การให้บริการรับฝากสินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลที่จำกัดเฉพาะสกุลเงินดิจิทัลที่ออกโดย ธนาคารแห่งประเทศไทย (Central Bank Digital Currency หรือ CBDC) 2 (3) การให้บริการรับฝากสินทรัพย์
revenue of automotive parts business. Loss on foreign currency exchange rate was Baht 35.3 million in Q1 2023, compared to a loss on foreign currency exchange of Baht 3.5 million in Q1 2022, caused by
mitigate potential impacts on issuers, investors, and the bond market's confidence; (3) To align the criteria for issuance and offer for sale of foreign currency-denominated bonds (FX Bonds) by foreign