expanding the business overseas to balance out the revenue from both domestic and overseas in accordance with the Company’s long-term strategic plan. By 2020, the Company plans to increase its managed hotels
). Benefits to the Company 1. Reduce the financial burden to support CAZ for expanding the business as CAZ will be able raise fund itself through financial products in the capital market. 2. To be listed on the
listed on the Market of Alternative Investment (mai). Benefits to the Company 1. Reduce the financial burden to support CAZ for expanding the business as CAZ will be able raise fund itself through
Alternative Investment (mai). Benefits to the Company 1. Reduce the financial burden to support CAZ for expanding the business as CAZ will be able raise fund itself through financial products in the capital
Alternative Investment (mai). Benefits to the Company 1. Reduce the financial burden to support CAZ for expanding the business as CAZ will be able raise fund itself through financial products in the capital
fast growing market through a quality bank of scale Uniquely positions the Bank to capture new and expanding opportunities arising from increasing ASEAN financial and economic integration Increases
COVID-19 from the government’ measures, higher methyl ester demand in comparison with 2Q2019 has been benefited from shifting mandatory biodiesel from B7 to B10 and also expanding petrol station of B10 at
acquisition strategy and ongoing efforts to maintain market share and raise awareness of 5G. Expanded leadership in 5G 2021 was the year that AIS focused on expanding its 5G network. By the end of 2021, our 5G
Thailand’s broadband penetration rate remained below 50% in FY23. The operators continued expanding networks to capture subscribers in remote areas with a strategy to diversify the services tailoring to
the quarter due to a lack of flagship phone launches and no government tax stimulus like in 1Q24. The fixed broadband industry continued to grow in both subscribers and ARPU, driven by expanding