operation and also the terms and conditions are satisfied. Detail of related person and conflict of interest - Name of related person: Kinpo Electronics, Inc. - Relationship: Kinpo Electronics, Inc. holds
Fund or CISs in Home Economy satisfied those stipulated in section 17 of the Passport Rules (Annex 3) of the Memorandum of Cooperation on the Establishment and Implementation of the Asia Region Funds
that bond. Climate Bond Certification is provided once the independent Climate Bonds Standard Board is satisfied the bond conforms with the Climate Bonds Standard. Green Bond: A Green Bond is where
Covered Fund in Hong Kong satisfied those stipulated in Appendix B-II-SEC Circular of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong and the Securities and
offer: ________________________________________________________________________ 7) Are the requirements for the offers of the Hong Kong Covered Fund in Hong Kong satisfied those stipulated in Appendix B
close the accounts and prepare the trial balance for the auditors, and lacks of communication with other departments, the accounting department cannot get all supporting documents on the closing day. When
offer: ________________________________________________________________________ 10) Are the requirements for the offer of the CISs in Home Economy satisfied those stipulated in section 17 of the Passport
Million Baht decreased from the last year 130.51 Million Baht. In 2016, get hold of the debtor to repay its debt for a long time amount 288.81 Million Baht and Loss from reducing the principal debt and
176.1MB, or 13.7 % the mainly reason was that the company invested in the project for Q1–2018, but it can not get payment from those project that had been implemented but not yet completed which those
growth in power tools in America market. For Telecom Power System (TPS) products, even with the expectation that its sales revenues would get affected by the disposal of investment in subsidiaries*, its