case of such total amount exceeding two times of the outstanding balance of the investment in listed securities and more than 5% of the total assets at the end of the accounting period, unless the
the applicable requirements set out in this circular. 42. The SEC may refuse the application if outstanding issues are not addressed to the satisfaction of the SEC within twenty-one calendar days from
1. – 5. หน้า 68 สารบัญ หน้า หมวดที่ 1 การกำกับดูแลและบริหารจัดการด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ ( I nformation Technology Governance) 4 1.1 บทบาทหน้าที่และความรับผิดชอบของคณะกรรมการของผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ 4 1.2
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January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...
January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...
January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...
Star Energy Group Holding Pte. Ltd. (SEGHPL) for the amount of 280,000 shares, or 33.33% of total SEGHPL shares outstanding, a capital investment of USD 355.69 million (approximately THB 11,956 million
ยีนฯ”) โดยจะเนน้ ลงทนุในบรษัิททีม่คีวามโดดเดน่ในการบรหิารจัดการดา้นสิง่แวดลอ้ม สงัคม และธรรมาภบิาล (Environmental, Social and Governance: ESG) ซึง่ผ่านกระบวนการวเิคราะหก์ารลงทุนแบบ ESG Integration โดยเฉ