promotion expenses by Baht 0.71 million owing to its change in “Dai a to” product sale strategy from selling directly to consumers and doing own marketing to selling through distributors who are responsible
down by Baht 0.76 million owing to its change in “Dai a to” product sale strategy from selling directly to consumers and doing own marketing to selling through distributors who are responsible for
. Therefore , 2Q20 ratio deteriorated owing mainly to decrease of revenue and net profit. In respect of liquidity ratio, average trade receivable day improved from 74 days to 71 days yoy. as less accrual from
owing the outstanding balance of fuel charge worth 53.62 million baht was capable of debt repayment to the company before the auditor signed off the disclosure of the annual financial statements for the
, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) In 3Q18, EBITDA was THB 84 million, falling by 37.3% from 3Q17. A relatively decrease in EBITDA was owing to THB 90 million realized leased right assignment income incurred
year. However, due to the uncertainty of the merger situation between mobile operators during this period, each mobile operator has slowed down the activation of additional solutions that the Company has
joint venture investment. Therefore, there is uncertainty in the value of the investment in the project which is expected to be finalized before the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders No.1/2018
, decreasing by Baht 14.98 million, mainly from unrealized loss from investment in listed securities due to the highly volatile market this quarter which resulted from the uncertainty of COVID-19 outbreak and
ผันผวนของผลการด าเนินงานของกองทุน H2O MULTI AGGREGATE FUND Volatility 9.27 แหล่งที่มาของข้อมูล : Bloomberg ณ วันที่ 29 มีนาคม 2564 8. วิธีการค านวณมลูคา่ความเสยีหายสงูสดุ (value-at-risk : VaR) และสมมติฐาน
นอตัราดอกเบี ย (Interest rates risk) : โดยทั วไปราคาตราสารหนี จะปรบัสงูขึ นเมืออตัรา ดอกเบี ยลดลง ในขณะทีราคาตราสารหนี จะปรบัลดลงเมืออตัราดอกเบี ยสูงขึ น - ความเสียงดา้นความผนัผวนและสภาพคล่อง (Volatility