contract to reserve US dollars in full amount to avoid exchange rate fluctuation of Trust Receipt (T/R). 4. Finance Cost increased Baht 4.94 million or 30.54% from the corresponding period of the previous
international automotive business. Overall, Aeroflex and Aeroklas experienced the fluctuation in currency during the quarter 2 Eastern Polypack’s revenue from sale was similar to previous year, the company
other income amounted to Baht 27.71 million, a decrease of Baht 2.82 million or 9.22% over the same period last year, because of the fluctuation of the price of stocks listed on the stock exchange of
1 Ref: CIG024/2019 November 12, 2019 Subject: Profit and loss reporting for the third quarter of 2019 and explanation of more than 20 percent fluctuation in profit and loss compared to that of last
2020, other income of the company consists of scrap sales , tax cards income mainly and gain on equipment disposal. 4. Loss from foreign exchange by 23.34 million baht due to an impact from fluctuation
from fluctuation of exchange rate. 5. Distribution Expense increased by 12.91 million baht (from 50.30 million baht in 2019 to 63.21 million baht in 2020) due to increased sales. 6. Administrative
listed companies. Having strong CG could help lessen risk exposures, not specifically for market risk, as well as contribute to higher returns; in particular, less price fluctuation during economic
หรืออาจเกิดขึ้นกับผู้ถือใบส าคัญแสดงสิทธิ อนุพันธ์ 14 ข้อ 22/17 ผู้ได้รับอนุญาตต้องจัดให้มีการเปิดเผยข้อมูลเปรียบเทียบค่าความผันผวนแฝง (implied volatility) ของใบส าคัญแสดงสิทธิอนุพันธ์ที่ได้รับอนุญาต กับ
, which helped support investors’ confidence. This is despite the fact that this factor, coupled with the stable policy rate, resulted in increased volatility in money and capital markets as well as foreign
into the adoption of Low Sulphur Fuel Oil as the fuel source for shipping vessels following the mandate of the IMO which will begin enforcement in 2020. Nevertheless, from the volatility of global crude