monitor, control, and manage risks to ensure that these risks can be handled; (3) sufficient funding, appropriate systems and rules for membership and supervision of members to ensure efficient securities
strategy and financial planning, including major capital expenditures, acquisitions and divestments; b) monitor the effectiveness of the company’s governance practices, environmental practices, and social
ความเสี่ยง (risk treatment) (5) การจัดทำทะเบียนความเสี่ยง (risk register) (6) การติดตามและทบทวนความเสี่ยง (risk monitor and review) (7) การรายงานความเสี่ยง (risk reporting) N/A Yes/Partial/No N/A N/A N/A
risk management. 4. There should be an establishment of a compliance unit to supervise and monitor the operation that is independent from the management and other units. 5. Operation conducted with
risk management. 4. There should be an establishment of a compliance unit to supervise and monitor the operation that is independent from the management and other units. 5. Operation conducted with
% shareholding of its registered capital held by the Company. The total investment cost of THB 3,570 million consist of THB 3,022 million as the cost of construction, show equipment, theme park design and
the cost of construction, show equipment, theme park design and decoration, service fee for specialist and interest expense, while the remaining THB 548 million accounts for land acquisition and
intermediary , in order to monitor the compliance with this Notification by the intermediary . In this regard, the SEC Office shall determine such period according to the following scopes: (a) in case of urgent
, report or relevant document to the SEC Office within appropriate period, whether general or case-by-case basis without excessive burden to the intermediary, in order to monitor the compliance with this
, report or relevant document to the SEC Office within appropriate period, whether general or case-by-case basis without excessive burden to the intermediary, in order to monitor the compliance with this