) หนา 4/8 บริษัท จี สตีล จํากัด (มหาชน) G Steel Public Company Limited 5. แนวโนมภาวะอุตสาหกรรม สถานการณอุตสาหกรรมเหล็กของโลก ตามรายงานการผลิตเหล็กดิบ (crude steel production: เหล็กข้ันตนท่ียังไมเปน
) % Total Sales and Services revenue 2,232.71 2,249.07 16.36 0.73% Raw water revenue 1,433.96 1,310.05 (123.91) (8.64%) Tap water revenue 702.23 708.00 5.77 0.82% Rental and services revenue 85.73 82.68 (3.05
นครัง้นี้เป็นกำรลงทุนร่วมกนัในลกัษณะของ Joint Partnership ในแหล่ง ปิโตรเลยีมขนำดใหญ่ (World Class Asset) ทีม่อีำยุกำรผลติต่อเนื่องในระยะยำว โดยน ้ำมนัดบิทีผ่ลติไดเ้ป็นน ้ำมนัดบิเบำ (Light Crude) ที่มรีำ
to the parent 205.93 236.49 (30.56) (12.92%) 1,044.79 1,117.52 (72.73) (6.51%) Earnings per share (EPS) 0.12 0.14 (0.02) (12.92%) 0.63 0.67 (0.04) (6.51%) Raw water costs 52% Tap water costs 36% Rental
attributable to owner of the parent 150.57 267.77 (117.20) (43.77%) 465.05 609.48 (144.42) (23.70%) Earnings per share (EPS) 0.09 0.16 (0.07) (43.77%) 0.28 0.37 (0.09) (23.70%) Raw water costs 52% Tap water
223.64 Million in Q3/2016 to Baht 268.02 Million in Q3/2017 an increased Baht 44.38 Million or 19.84% due to rubber glove customers expand production, frozen foods customers have more raw materials, can
Revenues 1,711.52 2,072.15 Selling & Administrative Expense 110.78 118.49 Finance Costs 27.51 20.44 Net Profit (12.84) (2.59) Earnings per share (Baht) (0.032) (0.007) The comparison between Third Quarter of
% comparing with Q3/16. This is because of the higher cost of raw material in th the cost of goods sold is increased by 53.96 million baht (10.16%) which affect to our gross margin to down by 36.6 million baht
314.48 341.71 (27.23) (7.97%) Earnings per share (EPS) 0.19 0.21 (0.02) (7.97%) Raw water costs 51% Tap water costs 38% Rental and services costs 6% Construction cost under Concession Agreements 5% Raw
rubber, which is the main raw material cost for production. The Company's profitability in the second quarter of 2017 decreased from the same period of previous year, the return on total assets (ROA