treasury shares of Baht 511.96 million. - 9 - (2.7) Financial Ratios Financial Ratios As at June 30, 2020 As at December 31, 2019 Current Ratio (Times) 1.08 1.64 Quick Ratio (Times) 0.49 0.65 Cash flow
Movement" (published in Smart Fund monthly magazine) "Saving Story" and "Quick Answers by Thai PVD" (published in Post Today on Thursdays) The SEC, together with other capital market organizations such as
ดับความนาเช่ือถือในระดับ investment grade จะไดรับการพิจารณาอนุญาตแบบ fast track นอกจากน้ี สําหรับ issuer ท่ีเปน non-listed company หรือบริษัทท่ีจดทะเบียนใน SET ที่ไมเขาขาย อนุญาตแบบ fast track
ดื่มของโอสถสภาลดลง นอกจากนี้ โครงการ Fit Fast Firm (โครงการจัดท าเพื่อเพิม่ประสทิธผิลและลดตน้ทนุโดยรวมของบรษัิท) จะชว่ยลดตน้ทนุโดยรวมไดม้ากกว่าแผนทีว่างไว ้และยังคงตัง้เป้า เพิม่อัตราก าไรอยา่งตอ่เนื่อง
transparent disclosure of information related to execution of trading transactions which includes sufficient, fast and appropriate disclosure of pre-trade information (if any) and post-trade information; (d
mutandis. (c) having transparent disclosure of information related to execution of trading transactions which includes sufficient, fast and appropriate disclosure of pre-trade information (if any) and post
which includes sufficient, fast and appropriate disclosure of pre-trade information (if any) and post-trade information; (4) having a recording system regarding trading information, especially information
provisions in Clause 4(3) shall be applicable, mutatis mutandis. (3) having transparent disclosure of information related to execution of trading transactions which includes sufficient, fast and appropriate
big improvement was resulted from Fitness First (cost saving project), which drove the overall costs down. Also, Fitness First Phase II has been kicked off and now called “Fit Fast Firm” project. This
second largest polyester market in the world after China, with consumption growth at 7% per year. This strategic investment will provide IVL a fast track entry into the high potential Indian market as