. For the reasons mentioned above. This transaction is also considered as business promotion with is reasonable and beneficial to the company. Anyhow, the Audit committee had no different opinion from the
selling expenses such as Advertising expenses, sales promotion expenses in total amount of 11.91 million baht which will be occurred in quarter 3/2019 only. 4. Administrative expenses The company had
, increase in level of household debt and exceeding supply of the real estate units. The Company has been prepared to cope up with effect of LTV by accelerate spending in sale and promotion activities to
Commission concerning Determination of Definitions in the Notifications on Issuance and Offer for Sale of Securities; 5 “sale promotion” means providing incentive gifts, rights or other benefits to an investor
https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=7392 SEC updates a year of progresses of the Capital Market Governance Promotion Initiative in Celebration of HM the King’s Coronation various
of {C https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=7392 SEC updates a year of progresses of the Capital Market Governance Promotion Initiative in Celebration of HM the King’s Coronation
/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=7392 SEC updates a year of progresses of the Capital Market Governance Promotion Initiative in Celebration of HM the King’s Coronation various organizations, e.g., the
/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=7392 SEC updates a year of progresses of the Capital Market Governance Promotion Initiative in Celebration of HM the King’s Coronation various organizations, e.g., the
in revenue and the cost is significantly increased as mentioned above, and one more reason because River Kwai International Food Industry Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company has applied ON promotion
as there were various promotions on credit card. Bank fees also rose during Commart sales (2) an increase in e-Marketplace fees due to sales promotion with e-Marketplace platform and the increase in