เพ่ิมขึ้นร้อยละ 13 เมื่อเทียบกับไตรมาสเดียวกันของปีก่อน ค่าใช้จ่ายในการขายและบริหารของงบการเงินรวมเพ่ิมมาจากบริษัทในธุรกิจเสริมความงาม จากการที่ บริษัทดังกล่าวมีการลงทุนในการการตลาดไม่ว่าจะเป็น presenter
amount of 32,566,290 baht or 31.82% from the lower business volume while income from Collection business improved 21,771,302 baht or equal to 42.24% from the increase of Collection business volume. 2
cost. 3) Selling and Administration Expenses Selling and administration expenses decreased by Baht 11.4 million, or 6.5% from Q2/2016, as a result of improved efficiency in cost and expenses control. 4
customers' needs across multiple paths. The situation improved in the second quarter. The 2017 gross profit margin for the first six months of 2017 increased 13.66 million baht from the last year, or 18
result, our 2Q2017 EBITDA stood at Baht 863.0 million, compared to Baht 407.4 million in 2Q2016, or a 111.8% growth YoY. EBITDA Margin improved from 66.0% in 2Q2016 to 77.1% in 2Q2017. Our Net Profit
5.0 million from Q3/2016 due to decreasing of pork price about 14% Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit Margin (GPM) in Quarter 3/2017 were Baht 211.1 million that improved from Q3/2016 in Baht 34.1 million
0.62x. As a result, our 3Q2017 EBITDA was Baht 722.8 million, compared to Baht 378.8 million in 3Q2016, or a 90.8% growth YoY. EBITDA Margin improved from 62.0% in 3Q2016 to 73.6% in 3Q2017. Our Net
2016, result in the transport of goods, the customer has less and less in the 1st quarter because they could not find enough container customers' needs across multiple paths. The situation improved in
margin on total revenue has increased from 1.03% to 1.12% as compared to the same period of last year. The increased net profit was mainly in respond to the overall improved operation during the period as
margin changing from 52.56% to 51.91%. However, Q3 2017 the percentage of gross profit has been continuously improved; from 49.69% inQ4 2016 to be 48.5%, 51.87%, 51.91% in Q1, Q2 and Q3 of year 2017