as securities business operator in the category of mutual fund or private fund management or under custody of a securities company in its position as fund supervisor or custodian; (2) a financial
as securities business operator in the category of mutual fund or private fund management or under custody of a securities company in its position as fund supervisor or custodian; (2) a financial
as securities business operator in the category of mutual fund or private fund management or under custody of a securities company in its position as fund supervisor or custodian; (2) a financial
Commission No. KorThor. 66/2547 Re: Maintenance of Financial Positions of Person Licensed as Derivatives Agent dated 22 December 2004 as amended by the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No
Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. KorThor. 66/2547 Re: Maintenance of Financial Positions of Person Licensed as Derivatives Agent dated 22 December 2004 as amended by the Notification of
Microsoft Word - Orkhor5_2553_attach2.doc สรุปผลการรับฟงความคิดเหน็เรื่องการแกไขหลักเกณฑการตั้งตัวแทนขายหรือรับซื้อคืนหนวยลงทุน (selling agent) จากการรับฟงความคิดเหน็จากประชาชนทัว่ไปทางเว็บไซต
Commission No. KorThor. 66/2547 Re: Maintenance of Financial Positions of Person Licensed as Derivatives Agent dated 22 December 2004 as amended by the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No
เอกสารเผยแพร่ เอกสารการรับฟงความคิดเหน็ เร่ือง หลักการออกประกาศเรื่อง การแตงตัง้ตัวแทนสนับสนุนการซื้อขายสญัญาซื้อขายลวงหนา (selling agent) สําหรับสัญญาซื้อขายลวงหนาฟวเจอรสท่ีมีทองคําเปนสินค
, the rules, which are currently in effect, should be revised with respect to maintenance of NC in case of abnormal increase in transaction volume of the business operator to the effect that the
banking business and is under the supervision of an entity which has similar supervision to that of the Office; (4) “Securities business operator” means (a) Any company licensed to undertake securities