day the previous day’s value plus the previous day’s gains are again invested with a leverage factor. Brokerage & Spread, Management fee Gap premium, Funding cost and Rebalancing cost An airbag is built
interest rate or floating interest rate; (3) in case of accepted, aval, endorsed, or guaranteed debt instruments, such acceptance shall be unqualified, aval shall be given as to the whole amount, endorsement
floating interest rate; (3) in case of accepted, aval, endorsed, or guaranteed debt instruments, such acceptance shall be unqualified, aval shall be given as to the whole amount, endorsement shall be made
Capital-Guaranteed Fund Any other type, please specify __________________________________________ 6) Is the ARFP Passport Fund a sub-fund of a Regulated CIS? Yes No If “Yes”, please state the name of the
10 years and a maturity date in 2028, and bear a fixed interest rate of 4.50 percent per annum. Payment under the notes is guaranteed by the Company. The net proceeds from the issue of the new notes
Capital-Guaranteed Fund Any other type, please specify __________________________________________ 6) Is the ARFP Passport Fund a sub-fund of a Regulated CIS? Yes No If “Yes”, please state the name of the
; (b) financial performance of the real estate compared with the guaranteed rental income; (c) compliance with the income guarantee agreement in the previous year, 6 provided that in the case where
focus on five fundamental financial planning decisions/techniques: a total wealth framework to determine the optimal asset allocation, a dynamic withdrawal strategy, incorporating guaranteed income
สดัส่วนทรพัยส์นิประเภท Built-to- Suit และ Ready-Built ธรุกิจนิคมอตุสาหกรรม (Industrial Development Business) ไตรมาส 2 ปี 2559 ไตรมาส 2 ปี 2560 เพ่ิมขึน้/(ลดลง) ล้านบาท ล้านบาท ล้านบาท รอ้ยละ รายไดจ้ากการ
, the genuine gross margin in the third quarter of 2017 was at 57.6% for the warehouse rental and service business which decreased from 69.7% last year, mainly due to change in product mix between Built