cost of hospital operations: 1. Cost incurred from fully operational of new hospital ( Wattanapat Ao-Nang Hospital). The major cost of hospital operations consist of overtime pay, doctor fee, cost of
% 1.1 Turnkey Total Solutions 0.9 3.2 2.7 (17.1%) 200.5% 2.1 5.9 182.8% 2. Revenue from services 176.5 185.6 183.0 (1.4%) 3.7% 343.4 368.6 7.3% 2.1 Fully Outsourced Contact Center Management Service 125.8
Solutions - 1.2 0.9 (25.0%) - 1.2 2.1 75.0% 2. Revenue from services 204.1 167.0 176.5 5.7% (13.5%) 443.8 343.4 (22.6%) 2.1 Fully Outsourced Contact Center Management Service 145.1 116.4 125.8 8.1% (13.3
17.8% 1.1 Turnkey Total Solutions 5.1 2.7 2.7 (1.3%) (48.3%) 7.3 8.6 17.8% 2. Revenue from services 174.9 183.0 185.1 1.2% 5.9% 518.3 553.7 6.8% 2.1 Fully Outsourced Contact Center Management Service
71.7% 1.1 Turnkey Total Solutions 2.7 4.7 5.5 16.7% 102.9% 5.9 10.2 71.7% 2. Revenue from services 183.0 172.7 169.3 (2.0%) (7.5%) 368.6 342.0 (7.2%) 2.1 Fully Outsourced Contact Center Management
อนญุาตหรือรายงานในแต่ละขัน้ตอนได ้2 รูปแบบคือ แบบไรก้ระดาษ (“fully paperless”) หรือ แบบไรก้ระดาษบางสว่น (“partially paperless”) โดยสรุปไดด้งันี ้ 1.1 fully paperless สง่ online เอกสารทัง้หมดที่รบัรองขอ้มลู
clients’ digital assets with a third party custodian who is fully qualified in accordance with the regulations, which emphasize the importance of cybersecurity service systems when clients’ total digital
. Market Competitiveness: To strengthen Thai market competitiveness by building robust infrastructure compatible to digital business models; 4. Risk Foresight and Effective Supervision: To be fully
. Meanwhile, liquidity management at given periods may vary from bank to bank, depending on its liquidity position and management guidelines. KBank has been fully equipped with tools for appropriate liquidity
, which will extend the Company’s expansion into new segments in the future, starting from the end of Q2/2018, while more new products will fully penetrate in Q3/2018. Figure 2: MAT Mar 2018 RTD Fruit Juice