second paragraphs, the management company shall disclose information on such foreign investment fund to the extent that the foreign investment fund has generally disclosed or the management company is able
support staff, etc., against the tentatively declining revenues from the manufacturing business to the extent that the Company’s manufacturing business would be at a loss. Therefore, it was deemed
CRA should clearly indicate the attributes and limitations of each credit rating, and the extent to which the CRA verifies information provided to it by the rated entity, obligor, or originator, or the
Widely Used Appraisal B.E. 2552 (2009) dated on 28 July, 2009 which are applicable before this Notification comes into force, shall remain in full force to the extent that they are neither inconsistent
geographical extent of its procurement, Tesco is highly exposed to the risk of violation of human rights and labour rights in its supply chain and faces several controversies in these areas.29 Tesco has
prior to the effective date of this Notification shall remain in full force to the extent that they are not inconsistent with nor contrary to the provisions of this Notification until other orders and
Covered Management Company delegates the investment management function of the Hong Kong Covered Fund under its management is subject to SFC’s prior approval. 6 To the extent there are requirements on
to the mutual fund supervisor of Thai Covered Fund. 7 To the extent there are requirements on minimum notice period and content of or template for notice to Hong Kong investors under relevant Hong Kong
understand the company well? Are we prepared to devote significant resources toward resolving this situation? In short, do we have standing to engage with this board? } To the extent there are multiple
แบบแสดงรายการขอมูลการเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (แบบ 69-DEBT-SP-1) บริษัท .......... (ชื่อไทย/อังกฤษของผูเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง) ใหระบุขอมูลในหนาปกอยางนอย ดังตอไปน้ี 1. ลักษณะที่สําคัญของหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (“หุนกู”) ท่ีจะออกภายใตโครงการน้ี ดังน้ี (1) ชื่อหุนกูตามโครงการ (2) ประเภทผูลงทุนที่เสนอขาย (3) ลักษณะสําคัญของหุนกู (4) ปจจัยอางอิง (5) มูลคาการเสนอขายตามโครงการ ทั้งนี้ ตองไมเกินมูลคาตามมติท่ีไดรับใหออกหุนกู (6) มูลคาไถถอนของหุนกู (7) อันดับควา...