2018 was in the same direction with the fact that the company was still managing the cost of goods sold efficiently. In this regard, the cost of sales increased from the expenses of domestic sales
to deliver the efficiently services. However, when compared to the same period of prior year the gross profit slightly increased by THB 1.6 million and the gross profit margin increased from 12.3% to
% QoQ. The decrease was mainly due to selling and marketing expenses, personnel expenses, and rental in term of TFRS 16. Moreover, the Company efficiently controlled and managed expenses of existing
utilities. The Company efficiently controlled and managed expenses of existing outlets indicated in decreasing such expenses by 4% YoY in spite of higher marketing expenses to build brand awareness. Selling
management both in procurement process and production process. In addition, cost of Biomass Power Plants also decreases from effectively controlled in maintenance cost. Gross profit of Natural Gas power plant
decrease in cost from efficient fuel management both in procurement process and production process. In addition, cost of Biomass Power Plants also decreases from effectively controlled in maintenance cost
management both in procurement process and production process. In addition, cost of Biomass Power Plants also decreases from effectively controlled in maintenance cost. Gross profit of Natural Gas power plant
transform itself to become a provider of Offline-to-Online (“O2O”) Solutions. Now it is the leading company offering all-rounded advertising services that enable advertisers to effectively reach their target
effectively. In this exciting environment, companies that are able to adapt themselves are more likely to survive and outperform their counterparts. In anticipation of such developments, VGI was the first
decrease in cost from efficient fuel management both in procurement process and production process. In addition, cost of Biomass Power Plants also decreases from effectively controlled in maintenance cost