rehabilitation plan of Gateway Estate Co., Ltd. to MDX for THB 20.11 million. ▪ A decreasing participating profit from investment in associated companies and the joint venture in 2019, compared with those in the
expenses of Baht 493.80 million, decreased from the last year Baht 43.19 million or 8.04% due to the company has adjusted the selling expenses to net sales. 4. Share of gain (loss) from investments in joint
investments in joint venture and associate Baht 126.65 million increased from the last year Baht 135.42 million because associate profit of last year sale. 5. The company had the finance cost Baht 12.21 million
Expenses 659.4 75.1 1,595.3 64.5 935.9 141.9 Profit before share of loss from investments in joint ventures, finance cost and income tax expenses 218.6 24.9 878.4 35.5 659.8 301.9 Share of loss from
, Nhge An, Vietnam To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand On 28 May 2018, WHAUP Nghe An Joint Stock Company (“WHAUP Nghe An JSC”), an indirect subsidiary of WHA Utilities and Power Public Company
(Mark to market) ของเงินลงทุนประเภทหุน้ในตลาดหลกัทรัพย ์และการขายเงินลงทุน ในบริษทัหลกัทรัพย ์Thanh Cong Securities Joint Stock Company อยา่งไรกต็าม บริษทัไดมี้การตั้งค่าเผื่อการดอ้ย ค่าเงินลงทุนดงักล่าว
expenses Baht 10.00 million from advertising. 4. Share of gain from investments in joint venture an associate Baht 127.65 million increased from last year by Baht 128.01 million because the associates gain a
PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 15 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 18/01/2022 19:49 The joint venture agreement and the increase of the registered capital of the subsidiary 28/10
net sales. 4. Share of profit (loss) from investments in joint venture and associate Baht (0.19) million decreased from last year by Baht 127.84 million because year 2018 the associates gain a sales of
investment in Kanom Cafe Company Limited 10/05/2021 17:28 Establishment of a New Joint Venture Company 12/11/2020 12:46 Submission of Voluntary Tender Offer for the Securities (Form 247-4) of M.K. Real Estate