matters for consideration as follows: (1) Extending the maturity period for bond redemption by additional two years, with the new maturity date set for 15 February 2027; 2) Increasing the interest
"), used Miss Rinnapa Kunawatsatit's securities trading account to purchase NPP shares and NPP-W1 by utilizing the non-public information about increasing NPP's equity by issuing new 544.09
management for the year ended December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 is 854.74 million baht and 465.59 million baht, increasing by 389.15 million baht or 83.58 percent, respectively, compared to the year
collect more from account receivables and debt tracking services income increasing. Cash collection for 9 month period of 2019 was 1,669 million baht which increased from the same period last year of 22.4
Quarter of 2018, the Group earn revenue from construction contracts total amount of 344.87 Million Baht, increased by 68.93 Million Baht, or 24.98% compared with Q3 2017. This increasing came from the
, Seven Utilities and Power Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries recorded a net profit of Baht 33.86 million. Profit increased from quarter 1/2019 by Baht 55.93 million mainly due to an increasing of
. Profit increased from quarter 2/2019 by Baht 21.76 million or 59.14% mainly due to an increasing of gross profit from business operation amounting to Baht 84.25 million. Overall, the Group’s performance
activities to draw customers and to maintain sales. Furthermore, the Company’s direction to grow house brand products, demonstrated higher proportionate in Q120 to 64.09% which increasing compared to 62.66
to an increasing of gross profit from business operation amounting to Baht 123.31 million. Overall, the Group’s performance mostly results from operation of LPG and oil business with gross profit of
usage amount is Bt10,421mn increasing 30.3% YOY. The numbers of active subscribers are 2 5 mn with 2.2mn transactions per day. Total revenue from core business is Bt842 .14mn increasing 17.8% YOY and net