Segments-Production Volume and Core EBITDA Above is the analysis of the Company’s operational performance over a longer period of time. It is im- portant to review this performance in the context of a weak
recovery whereas non-durable and semi-durable goods namely food and apparels still contracted, pointing to a still weak grass-root economy. Private investment also showed signs of recovery that is consistent
that showed sign of recovery whereas non-durable and semi-durable goods namely food and apparels still contracted, pointing to a still weak grass-root economy. Private investment also showed signs of
even more is planned in the quarters to come. - Weak demand due to pre-buying in December 2018 thus impacting demand in 1Q19. Expectedly, margins are improving led by the demand growth in 2Q19 in
even more is planned in the quarters to come. - Weak demand due to pre-buying in December 2018 thus impacting demand in 1Q19. Expectedly, margins are improving led by the demand growth in 2Q19 in
continued to contract due to the weak domestic and external demand affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The government measures imposed by several countries around the world in order to contain the outbreak
บรษัิทหลักทรพัยจ์ัดการกองทนุ ทาลิส จ ากัด TLSMALLEQ-A ชนิดสะสมมูลค่า 6 กองทนุดัชนีชีว้ัดPeer avg กองทุนเปิดทาลิส SMALL CAP หุ้นทุน มุ่งหวังให้ผลประกอบการสูงกว่าดัชนีช้ีวัด (Active Management)• ลงทุน
convergence package (FMC), has decently captured market demand, supported by an active outbound approach to reach high-valued mobile customers. Following our intention to win homes, standalone broadband ARPU
platforms to serve both consumers and enterprises. Our VDO platform called AIS PLAY received higher awareness and was listed among the top five of video-viewing applications with current active subscribers
คุคลที่ทําประโยชนใหแก issuer และผูถือหุนของ issuer ในระยะยาว เชน ตวัแทนขายประกนัชีวิตที่ขายสินคาเฉพาะใหแก issuer (exclusive agent) และ มีผลงานจากการขายสินคาอยางตอเนื่อง (active agent) เปนต