return but also sell goods to such partners without receiving payment in return. Then, the compromises between RICH and the partners were made in lawsuits. These acts resulted in recording almost full
benefit because FKRMM has become NDR’s customer for more than 10 years. About 40% of NDR’s revenue came from FKRMM which is considered as the biggest customer of NDR. Therefore, after NDR has consolidated
suspicion of management mechanism in the following manners: 1. there is a possibility of unfair treatment of shareholders by improperly giving more benefits or an advantage to any group of shareholders over
139 million or 25.89% up from 2Q2016. The consolidated gross profit margin contributed of 16.32% in 2Q2017, increased from 13.83% in 2Q2016 predominantly from cost advantage from lower major feed
recording device. Clause 17 A securities company shall not trade securities by using inside information in such a way that takes advantage of outside persons or disclose such inside information for other
17 A securities company shall not trade securities by using inside information in such a way that takes advantage of outside persons or disclose such inside information for other persons’ use. 6 Added
17 A securities company shall not trade securities by using inside information in such a way that takes advantage of outside persons or disclose such inside information for other persons’ use. 6 Added
investigation led to reliable evidence indicating that transactions to purchase and to sell empty large gas tanks and small gas tank purchase were made with objective to siphon money from PICNI for benefit of
money or other benefit. "underwriter" means any person who underwrites the sale of securities to the public. "prospectus" means any document issued for the purpose of inviting any person to subscribe or
and derivatives prices or market activity from graphs, technical analysis concept and scenario test. Clause 3 The SEC Office may announce a detailed guideline for the benefit of compliance with the