รวมคำนวณภาษีดวย โดย บลจ.กสิกรไทย จะหักภาษี ณ ที่จายเบื้องตน ตามอัตรากาวหนา หากขายคนืหนวยลงทุนทีถ่อืครองตำ่กวา 1 ป จะเสยี Exit Fee 1.50% ของมลูคาซือ้ขาย 1. 2. 3. กรณีซื้อเกินสิทธิ SSF (สวนที่
วยลงทุนทีถ่อืครองตำ่กวา 1 ป จะเสยี Exit Fee 1.50% ของมลูคาซือ้ขาย 1. 2. 3. กรณีซื้อเกินสิทธิ SSF (สวนที่เกิน 30% ของรายไดที่ตองเสียภาษีหรือเกิน 200,000 บาท แลวแตกรณี) เงนิคาซือ้หนวยลงทนุสวน
/DB) was as well widened, affecting crude cost to adjust upwards. From the rise in average crude oil price during this quarter there was an inventory gain of THB 450 million, and a gain from oil hedging
be cautious upon 1) Crude oil and commodity prices trend - recovering trend will aid Thailand's inflation to rise which in turn will result in rise of farm income and ease Thai Baht appreciation via
be cautious upon 1) Crude oil and commodity prices trend - recovering trend will aid Thailand's inflation to rise which in turn will result in rise of farm income and ease Thai Baht appreciation via
at THB 12,894 mn, an increase of 2.1% YoY. The rate of increase is lower than the growth in revenue from rent and services, courtesy of effective utility cost management. The rise in cost comes from
% YoY. The rise in cost comes from the following factors. • Utility costs, a major component (accounts for approximately 30% of cost of rent and services) for shopping mall operations, increased from the
at THB 6,717 mn, an increase of 7.3% YoY). The rise in cost is higher than the increase in revenue and comes from the following factors. • Utility costs, a major component (accounts for approximately
quality while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Enterprise services rise on economic certainty and continual digital transformation trend Non-mobile enterprise business reported revenue of Bt1,821mn
, sales & marketing expenses for the launch of new residential projects, write-off/impairment of asset, one-time income/expense, etc. Residential Business As the Company’s high-rise projects – namely ‘The