ผูกพัน (3) การมีผลใชบังคับของ filing : 1 วันทําการนับแตวันที่ยื่นตอสํานักงาน (4) มี rating เปน issue , issuer หรือ guarantor rating ก็ได (5) กรณีผูออกมิใชบริษัทจดทะเบยีน ใหเปดเผยขอมูลภายหลังการ
issue secured debenture in the amount of THB 300 million to be repaid the previous debenture which will be due in January caused an increasing in Cash and Cash Equivalents from THB 69.07 million as at
used as tax benefit. In December 2019, The Company issue secured debenture in the amount of THB 300 million to be repaid the previous debenture which will be due in January caused an increasing in Cash
ของแตล่ะ entity exposure ตอ่หลกัทรัพยใ์ดหลกัทรัพยห์นึง่ เทยีบกบั issue sizeวธิทีี ่1 • เทยีบหลักทรัพยร์ายตัว กบั market cap. / issue amount ของหลักทรัพยนั์น้ • หาคา่ความเสีย่งตามสดัสว่นหลักทรัพยแ์ตล่ะ
Implementation Many forms of engagement can be used to potentially increase the value of your assets and to mitigate risk, including: 1. Holding direct conversations with portfolio companies, regulators and issue
scale” credit rating “investment grade” credit rating “IOSCO” International Organization of Securities Commissions “IPO” (Initial Public Offering) “issue rating” “issuer rating” “market price” “MF
Total Assets 5,820.1 5,544.0 276.1 Current Liabilities 472.6 373.6 99.0 Noncurrent Liabilities 76.1 72.8 3.3 Total Liabilities 548.7 446.4 102.3 Issue and Paid Share Capital 1,545.0 1,545.0 0.0 Premium on
needs a replacement to reduce the breakdown issue. KYE hires MKY to design and install the new air conditioner(MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC) which using the technology that enhances the efficiency in the test room
agreements of Baht -1.4 million - Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares 52.5 million Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, (Ms. Huai Hui, Lee) Chief Operating Officer
-0.9 million - Paid of liability under finance lease agreements of Baht -1.7 million - Proceeds from issue of ordinaries shares of Baht 52.5 million Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, (Ms