current due. Inventory (net) as of 31 March 2020 amounted to Baht 9,719 million, an increase of Baht 756 million or 8.4% from those of 31 December 2019. The major increase item is raw material which is
the recognition of trade receivables. The inventories decreased by 18.35 million baht due to the inventory day management decreased. In addition, the Unbilled receivable for project decreased by 34.79
inventory decreased by Baht 6.55 million. 3 Liabilities As at 30 September 2020, the Company has total liabilities equivalent to Bath 254.18 million, increased by Baht 21.58 million from the previous year or
, the net profit margin of the Company was 1.03% and 1.73%, respectively. Conclusion As 30 September 2020, the Company backlog was THB 1,835.36 million and the company’s inventory was THB 5,404.23 million
rental (for the source of untreated water 20052112.pdf channel remains unclear as there are remaining inventory of
/Download?FILEID=dat/news/201907/19068421.pdf 19075817.pdf investing and the cash flow from financing, an increase in inventory of THB 80 million to support the business plan offsetting a decrease in property
/19068421.pdf 19075817.pdf investing and the cash flow from financing, an increase in inventory of THB 80 million to support the business plan offsetting a decrease in property , plants and equipment of THB
investing and the cash flow from financing, an increase in inventory of THB 80 million to support the business plan offsetting a decrease in property , plants and equipment of THB 135 million since all the
inventory, developed in line with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard • Targets for scope 1 and 2 emissions cover 100% of the Group’s inventory • The GHG inventory and scope 1 and 2 targets cover all relevant
จำกเดอืนธนัวำคม 2561 แต่ต้นทุนรำคำน ้ำมนัดบิที่เขำ้กลัน่ใน ไตรมำสนี้บำงส่วน ยงัคงสะท้อนรำคำน ้ำมนัดบิในช่วง Q4/2561 ท ำให้ธุรกจิโรงกลัน่ยงัม ีInventory Loss เลก็น้อย (รวมกลบั รำยกำรค่ำเผื่อกำรลดมูลค่ำ