inside information which is likely to have an advantage against third person. And shall not disclose inside information for any personal gain. Clause 13. Securities company shall make an affirmation on
recording device. Clause 17 A securities company shall not trade securities by using inside information in such a way that takes advantage of outside persons or disclose such inside information for other
17 A securities company shall not trade securities by using inside information in such a way that takes advantage of outside persons or disclose such inside information for other persons’ use. 6 Added
17 A securities company shall not trade securities by using inside information in such a way that takes advantage of outside persons or disclose such inside information for other persons’ use. 6 Added
relevant to all signatories. For example, smaller institutions may judge that some of its principles and guidance are disproportionate in their case. In these circumstances, they should take advantage of the
advantage for lower funding cost by offering more green-labeled bonds before the market structure catches up to European markets. • Due to the need for issuers to pay to third-party opinion verification
should also strike a balance between an attractive and reasonable incentive industry-wide for effective work delivery and the prevention of an unfair advantage over shareholders. In any case, the board
submit this opinion to The Securities and Exchange Commission ( ‘SEC’ ) and shareholders for consideration. The Company has appointed Capital Advantage Company Limited as the independent financial advisor
customers personnel not only has expertise in market distribution but advantage for production development Purchase Consideration of the acquisition of FKRMM’ referred to Clause 5. Transaction size’s
future may alter the IFA’s opinion on the transaction accordingly. Information and documents used in preparing this report included but are not limited to the following: ▪ The Resolution of the Company’s