transaction size equal to 91.52%, which is based on the criteria of Total Value of Consideration, which is the highest result. Including of the Company does not have any assets acquired or disposed of during
transaction size equal to 91.52%, which is based on the criteria of Total Value of Consideration, which is the highest result. Including of the Company does not have any assets acquired or disposed of during
concise credit approval model through the dealer and there was the effective result. In addition, also expanded into auto loan which acquired very good feedback. According to the resolution of the Board of
7.46% compared to last year. The change was also inline with a rise of sales whereas the gross profit margin of this six month- period ended June 30, 2019 tend to have a good potential of 21.20% while
the latest full appraisal; (c) upon an event or change which may effect in a significant depreciation of the infrastructure asset invested by the trust; (d) upon a request from the trustee or the
investments made in the higher-margins HVA businesses, integration into key feedstocks in balanced markets and timely investments in key geographies. These have resulted in a structural change in the earnings
. Page 11 - On September 25, 2019, EGCO has entered into the Shareholder’s Agreement of Thai Pipeline Network Company Limited (TPN) to acquired 44.60% ownership interest. TPN operates oil transportation
Corner (1998) Public Company Limited (SLC) shares to the SEC Office within the period specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board after he and his concert parties jointly acquired
parties jointly acquired 47.30% of SLC shares on September 30, 2009 which reached or passed a multiple of five percent of the total voting rights of SLC. The reports (Form 246-2) were later filed on
jointly acquired 47.30% of SLC shares on September 30, 2009 which reached or passed a multiple of five percent of the total voting rights of SLC. The reports (Form 246-2) were later filed on November 5