of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018. 6. Approved the allotment of newly increased ordinary shares not exceed 226,974,500 shares to support the issuance of ESOP program CCET-WC and
tourists from the Department of Tourism in 2016, there are approximately 32 million foreign tourists, which has increased up to 45 percent or 10 million in the past 5 years and is still growing. The Company
approximately Baht 20,000,000 9. Expected benefit Based on statistics of foreign tourists from the Department of Tourism in 2016, there are approximately 32 million foreign tourists, which has increased up to 45
historical are restated accordingly Strategic fit 10 EMEA contributed 36% of the Company’s core EBITDA. On a LTM basis, produc- tion in EMEA has increased as a result of the full year benefit of PTA, IPA
. Expected benefit Based on statistics of foreign tourists from the Department of Tourism in 2016, there are approximately 32 million foreign tourists, which has increased up to 45 percent or 10 million in the
improvements seen in the 2H17 performance vis-à-vis what we saw during the first half of the year 2017. While production was higher by 6%, EBITDA increased by 20%, highlighting the improve- ment seen on the
improvements seen in the 2H17 performance vis-à-vis what we saw during the first half of the year 2017. While production was higher by 6%, EBITDA increased by 20%, highlighting the improve- ment seen on the
of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018. 6. Approved the allotment of newly increased ordinary shares not exceed 226,974,500 shares to support the issuance of ESOP program CCET-WC and
revenue of THB 21.02 million, consisting of revenue from Media-advertising of THB 20.99 million and sales revenue of THB 0.03 million, so total revenue increased by THB 20.91 million when compared to the
increased overall average operating rate of 86%. Higher freight rates positively impacted sales price in our respective domestic markets. This translated into an overall Fibers Core EBITDA growth of 23% QoQ