Directors and the Executive Directors play a pivotal role in guiding, mentoring and supporting human resources at IVL. While we strengthened the organization for future opportunities and challenges, we also
Resources) อตัราสว่นสภาพคลอ่ง ณ วันที ่31 ธันวาคม 2560 บรษัิทฯ และบรษัิทย่อยมอีัตราสว่นสภาพคลอ่ง 0.91 เทา่ ลดลงจาก 0.95 เทา่ ณ สิน้ปี 2559 โดยมปัีจจัยหลักจากการเพิม่ขึน้ของเจา้หนี้การคา้ การเพิม่ขึน้เงนิเบกิ
the opportunity to be an alliance with Electronics Extreme Co., Ltd., an importer of online games, and ONE HD channel, to jointly use resources to achieve the best business benefits, including the
2018 and year 2019 were accounted for 6.5 percent and 7.4 percent of total expenses. The increasing administrative expenses mostly consist of professional fee, other human resources expenses such as
2018 and year 2019 were accounted for 6.5 percent and 7.4 percent of total expenses. The increasing administrative expenses mostly consist of professional fee, other human resources expenses such as
television station, that is Nation TV (Channel 22), which offers programs in the category of news and content (SD), allowing the Company to mobilize resources within the group of the Company in various areas
ไตรมาส 1/2561 และ 3) การจ่ายเงินปันผลส าหรับผล ประกอบการในชว่งครึง่หลงัของปี 2560 จ านวน 69 ลา้นบาท 5. สภาพคลอ่งและความเพยีงพอของเงนิทุน (Liquidity and Capital Resources) อตัราสว่นสภาพคลอ่ง ณ วันที่ 30
. Therefore, it will be added in the future phase of the development of the Taxonomy. In general, waste is not a valid source of energy and recycling must always be considered first in order to return resources
conducting of the business and such personnel must have knowledge and ability appropriate to their duties. Guidelines 1. Human resources planning of each unit should demonstrate the adequate amount of
(Unofficial Translation) 1. Human resources planning of each unit should demonstrate the adequate amount of personnel for each unit especially for the investment management division which should have at least 2