thereform to invest in, or procure for profit from holding in, securities, derivative, or any other properties, or invest in or procure for profit by other means. "private fund management"2 means the
, a trustee shall perform its duty in order to collect, dispose and allocate property in accordance with Section 53 upon termination of trust, except where dissolution, liquidation or bankruptcy of the
prohibits alteration of the trustee. SECTION 52 Subject to Section 29, a trustee shall perform its duty in order to collect, dispose and allocate property in accordance with Section 53 upon termination of
collect, dispose and allocate property in accordance with Section 53 upon termination of trust, except where dissolution, liquidation or bankruptcy of the trustee causes the termination of trust, a
shareholding structure, its major shareholder decided to buy back the shares to allocate them to the other strategic investors. After this divestment, Dusit Foods remains a strategic shareholder in NRF with a
shareholding structure, its major shareholder decided to buy back the shares to allocate them to the other strategic investors. After this divestment, Dusit Foods remains a strategic shareholder in NRF with a
structure, its major shareholder decided to buy back the shares to allocate them to the other strategic investors. After this divestment, Dusit Foods remains a strategic shareholder in NRF with a 6.382% stake
in employees’ expenses. Expected Credit Losses To allocate a provision in accordance with Thai Financial Reporting Standard No. 9: Financial Instruments (TFRS 9), the bank has considered the expected
New SEC TH 2021 page 14-37.indd 1 รายงานประจาปี 2564 เป้าหมาย ฟื้นฟูและเข้มแข็ง S-special Supporting liquidity: ตลาดทนุมีเครือ่งมือช่วย เสริมสภาพคล่องให้กับกิจการที่ประสบปัญหาโควิด-19 ก.ล.ต. ออกหลกัเกณฑ์หลากหลายเพ่ือให้บริษัททีป่ระสบปัญหาสภาพคล่อง จากสถานการณ์โควิด-19 มีเคร่ืองมือที่สามารถใช้ระดมทุน และสามารถต่ออายุตราสารหน้ีเดิมที่ครบกาหนดอายุ ทาให้มี สภาพคล่องเพยีงพอท่ีจะดาเนนิธรุกิจต่อไปได้ เช่น REITs with Buy Back Condition, Private REITs, High Yield Bond Fund, และ Stressed Bond Fund ทั้งนี้...
the following conditions: (b1) If Warrants will be allocated to any employee who will receive not more than 5% of the total CCET-WC issued and offered, the Board of Directors shall consider and allocate