้ผา่นคณุสิมบติัิการรบัรอง เบืองต้ิน (pre-approved) ติามมาติรฐานติามแนวปฏิิบติัิ ท่ด่ ข้้อใดข้้อหนึงดังต่ิอต่ิอไปน่ • องค์กรว่าด้วยวัสิดชุ่ีวภาพท่ยังยนื (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials: RSB) • หลักการ
to zero. Furthermore, the upcoming trend of disruptive technology has effected the power sector in Thailand especially the efficiency improvement of renewable energy and other smart systems such as
infrastructure investment will help support confidence and therefore encourage investment in the private sector. However, the sluggish improvement in agricultural and non-agricultural income as well as high
following global crude oil price movement, led to an improvement of gross profit. However, production and sales volume decreased according to the Natural decline curve. In this quarter, there was a loss from
significantly from THB 1,115 million in 2016 to THB 1,426 million as a result of the improvement of profitability and the exercise of 96 million units of MACO-W1 (Total of THB 192million). Going forward, we
purposes. As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, businesses had less cash-in-hand and were unable to raise funds from bond and capital markets as per the normal situation. The improvement in loan demand was
, GPSC has received an official written letter from the ERC, notifying the resolution of the ERC’s meeting No.16/2019, which approved the merger between GPSC and GLOW as GLOW has completely fulfilled the
generation and focus on reducing environmental and social impacts by lessening carbon dioxide intensity in power generation. The new PDP has been approved by NEPC on January 24, 2019 after public hearing to
General Meeting of Shareholders No. 3/2019 held on 12 November 2019 considered and approved the payment of an interim dividend prior to the initial public offering in the amount of Baht 13,000.00 million
resolution previously approved on May 7, 2019, EGAT was assigned to purchase additional 200,000 tons of crude palm oil, which total 66,250 tons was purchased and used in power generation. In addition, in