Super Shield Account, Saving Deposit Account, Non-Fixed Deposit Account, Current Account, Fixed Deposits Account and Tax-Free deposit Account etc. 2. Loan Services The bank has divided the customers as
. The bank has provided the services in the various deposit accounts such as Saving Super Shield Account, Saving Deposit Account, Non-Fixed Deposit Account, Current Account, Fixed Deposits Account and Tax
) 2016 2017 2018 Statement of Financial Position Cash and Cash Equivalents 27.25 25.05 42.06 Trade Accounts and Other Receivable 51.84 7.82 8.37 Short Term loans 306.02 523.85 544.08 Other Current Assets
-Fixed Deposit Account, Current Account, Fixed Deposit Account, Tax-Free Deposit Account and Foreign Currency Deposit, etc. 2. Loan Services The bank has divided the customers into segments to deeply
owners and the mention of them does not constitute an endorsement by Singha Estate. The information contained in this presentation is only current as of the date its date. In giving this presentation
393 1,814 1,445 12,201 13,575 Long-term loans from financial institutions Bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions Current portion of long-term loans from financial institutions
adversely affect the determination of budget allocation for each marketing tools. Moreover, the current economic circumstances have not positively encouraged the operation as anticipated. At present, Blue
retail loans. Meanwhile, SMEs loans contracted less due to the implementation of various relief measures by the Bank of Thailand. Under the current economic situation and deteriorating quality of loans
นกู้ - 23 - ภำคผนวก 1 วิธีกำรค ำนวณอัตรำส่วนทำงกำรเงิน (key financial ratio) แบ่งตำมประเภทธุรกิจ อัตรำส่วนทำงกำรเงิน สูตรกำรค ำนวณ 1. กลุ่มอตุสำหกรรมและบริกำรทั่วไป (1) อตัราส่วนสภาพคล่อง (current ratio
รำส่วนทำงกำรเงิน สูตรกำรค ำนวณ 1. กลุ่มอตุสำหกรรมและบริกำรทั่วไป (1) อตัราส่วนสภาพคล่อง (current ratio) (เท่า) สินทรัพยห์มุนเวียน / หน้ีสินหมุนเวียน (2) ความสามารถในการช าระดอกเบี้ย (interest coverage