consumers with the aim to raise brand awareness, create product experience, and demand of our branded products. On top of this, football sponsorships with Chelsea Footballl Club Limited (CFC) and English
, and (3)the rest amounted to THB 139 million were spent for advertising expenses in several formats and promotional activities at point of sales to raise brand awareness, create product experience, and
room charges, medicines, and transportation. In addition, the National Health Security Office (NHSO) will verify the validity of the disbursement information and notify the expenses to each particular
the raise the price of domestic palm oil. Although, the Company still maintains a policy to manage the inventories’ optimization efficiently which can be classified by product groups as follows; For
Company’s cost of sales to total revenue ratio was increased by 7.70% as compared to the same period of last year, according to the raise the price of domestic palm oil. Although, the Company still maintains
raise Advice brand awareness in various provinces across Thailand. Apart from marketing expenses, employee expenses also decreased by THB 16.00 million, caused by the company's decision to reduce accrued
sales promotion with e-Marketplace platform and the increase in marketplace commission fees, (3) an increase in transportation expenses of THB 1.05 million due to soaring fuel prices which led to an
petrol station at 4,953 stations on March 31, 2020, in spite of the lower transportation during the spread of COVID- 19 outbreak. Additionally, the Government has continually stimulated biodiesel usage
compared to prior quarter owing to the higher transportation during travel season and fuel traders M.7.’s preparing the stock of biodiesel B10 which would soon be the mandatory diesel shift from biodiesel B7
Transport Awards 2017 which was organized by Transport News Intl, the transportation industry’s leading publication in England. The winner award is selected on merit from the judging panel together with the