expertise of the company. In addition, solar plants have long-term power purchase agreements, which will continuously generate stable revenues which will support GPSC to have sustainable growth. • Progress
consistent and stable income. The Company has entered into such transaction to expand the power plant business from renewable energy. And provide opportunities to the Company to expand its solar power plants
expand its investment into renewable energy plants. Because it is a business with a consistent and stable income. The Company has entered into such transaction to expand the power plant business from
biomass power plant project since 2016, and the management of the company intends to expand its investment into renewable energy plants. Because it is a business with a consistent and stable income. The
-agricultural sector, which was partly supported by government measures. Although the number of overseas tourists was stable, there was a decline in the export sector which has been affected by the trade dispute
rating to be enhanced from its stand-alone rating. On a stand-alone basis, TRIS’s view remains unchanged. The Company’s business performance has been relatively strong and stable from its well-diversified
payment] ▪ Investors who seek stable returns or capital protection. ▪ Investors who intend to invest solely in fixed income securities with good credit rating, high, liquidity, and low-price volatility as
settlement period within T+[..] [specify the date investors will receive redemption payment] ▪ Investors who seek stable returns or capital protection. ▪ Investors who intend to invest solely in fixed income
remaining relatively stable across regions. While some operators continue offering discounts and promotions to attract new subscribers, others are introducing convergence services to attract new customers
หวำ่งโทเคนดิจิทลัพร้อมใช ้ (utility token) ประเภทเดียวกนั เช่น game coin / point บตัรเครดิต เป็นตน้ • ใหบ้ริกำรซ้ือขำย stable coin ท่ีเป็นเงินบำท และมีกำรช ำระเงิน ค่ำซ้ือขำยผำ่นสถำบนักำรเงินตำม กม. ปปง