Dusit Thani (restaurants and coffee-shop) which fully opened since September 2019 with very good response. Major Developments in 4Q19 On 10 October 2019, the Company invested 49% in newly established
recognized as ‘right-of-use’ and ‘ lease liability’ at the present value of lease payment over the remaining lease term. The leases including tower lease agreement, site rental, office & shop building rental
February 2020. 4. Bangchak Retail Co. , Ltd. ( “BCR” ) is still continuously developing and expanding the Inthanin coffee shop business.The coffee shops have been opened both inside and outside the perimeter
-sale (POS) systems as a management tool for enhancement of business efficiency. For card accepting merchant business, KBank launched a PR campaign to broaden the K PLUS SHOP customer base via mobile
pilot Inthanin shop was introduced in Siem Reap, afterwards the franchise was expanded to Phnom Penh flagship store in April, and Peng Hout branch in October. February o The company’s board of directors
payment, commodities and services payment including the bank has participated the UnionPay International, the customers can use the card at the ATM in aboard and UnionPay International member shop in
payment, commodities and services payment including the bank has participated the UnionPay International, the customers can use the card at the ATM in aboard and UnionPay International member shop in
the Non-oil business operated under the Bangchak Retail Co., Ltd. still perseveres with development and expansion, both for the SPAR supermarket business & convenience stores, and Inthanin Coffee shop
โมชัน่เพื่อดงึดงูลกูค้ำและจดักิฟท์เซ็ทเพื่อจ ำหนำ่ยโดยเน้นจบักลุม่นกัทอ่งเที่ยวและจ ำหนำ่ยใน ช่องทำงร้ำนค้ำปลอดภำษี (Duty Free Shop) และเมื่อช่วงเดือนกนัยำยน 2561 บริษัทฯ ได้เร่ิมโปรโมทสินค้ำในประเทศ
Happy Plan เปลี(ยนยอดการใช้จ่ายเป็นโปรแกรม แบง่ชําระรายเดือน สงูสดุถึง 10 เดือน แคมเปญ AEON Gift 2017 ลงทะเบียนเพื(อแลกรับของกํานลัจากแบรนด์ชั %นนํา แคมเปญ AEON Shop Plus สาํหรับลกูค้าบตัรเครดติ เพื(อแลก