by subsidiaries earning from nose sewing and wiring box production. The Company and its subsidiaries profit there is gain on disposal of assets types of machinery and equipment that have a long service
4,348 -22% -3.1% 19,879 17,782 -11% Operating profit 9,310 9,135 9,242 -0.7% 1.2% 41,254 37,555 -9.0% Net foreign exchange gain (loss) 16 -181 256 n/m -242% 308 -2 -101% Other income (expense) 214 195 136
% 63 (119) -290% Elimination (52) (3) (7) (99) (10) Profit attributable to owners of the Company 993 1,146 1,007 1% -12% 3,076 2,153 -30% Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.72 0.83 0.73 2.23 1.56 Note: 1
664.30 -76.61 -1.53% 581.34 659.12 -77.78 -1.80% Profit from the sale of claims on accounts receivable and brand rights 18.80 - 18.80 N.A. Sharing of gain (loss) from investment value of the associate and
year by 15.1% which having gross profit margin at 46.5% and net profit for the nine-month period ended 30 September 2019 in amount of Baht 181.71 million, increased from the same period of last year by
) (100.0) Total comprehensive income for the year 88,483 101,918 104,394 (15,911) (15.2) Gross Profit Margin 25.2% 23.4% 22.4% 2.8% - Basic earnings per share (Baht/Share) 0.22 0.26 0.26 (0.04) (14.9) Net
) - (354) (100.0) Total comprehensive income for the year 88,483 101,918 104,394 (15,911) (15.2) Gross Profit Margin 25.2% 23.4% 22.4% 2.8% - Basic earnings per share (Baht/Share) 0.22 0.26 0.26 (0.04) (14.9
) - (354) (100.0) Total comprehensive income for the year 88,483 101,918 104,394 (15,911) (15.2) Gross Profit Margin 25.2% 23.4% 22.4% 2.8% - Basic earnings per share (Baht/Share) 0.22 0.26 0.26 (0.04) (14.9
business operation and FX impacts, which was almost all unrealized gain/loss. In addition, the Company’s Normalized Total Revenue and Share of Profit and Normalized Net Profit stood at THB 1,885.0 mm and THB
operating performance for 31 December 2017 as the following. Key Financial Information on 31 December 2017 , 2016 (Unit : thousands) Statements of Income Separate financial statements December 31, 2017