and its subsidiaries Operational Results in Q1/2019 and Q1/2018 Corporate Revenue In Q1/2019 the Company and its subsidiaries’ total earnings amounted to 224 million Baht, consisting of contract revenue
% decrease in gross profit versus prior year due to a challenging US retail environment higher food costs, changing product mix and 2017 carry over benefit of $700K from Japan perpetual license deal
) (4,368) 9.4% 8.2% (11,106) (12,491) 13% Operating profit 9,900 10,731 9,293 -6.1% -13% 30,070 30,903 2.8% Net foreign exchange gain (loss) 41 106 12 -70% -88% 203 (10) -105% Other income (expense) 87 76
) 3,807 3,576 (5) 45 3,802 3,621 181 5% Gain on disposal of investment - 14,162 - - - 14,162 (14,162) (100%) Profit (Loss) before the effects of foreign exchange, deferred income tax and lease income 5,528
period ended 30 June 2019 from 1.3% in the same period last year. The increase YoY in net profit and net profit margin was mainly due to lower tax expenses attributable to tax benefit received from
Gain on investments 29.38 - 37.99 - Gain on exchange rate - - 36.75 - Other income 8.17 7.29 13.95 16.93 EXPENSES (145.79) (136.22) (231.42) (239.51) Cost of sales electricity (39.30) (39.29) (78.06
exchange gain/(loss) (0.35) 0.32 -191.43% Other income 2.36 3.11 31.78% Earnings before interest and taxes 64.97 237.44 265.46% Financial expense (2.30) (2.31) 0.43% Profit before income tax expense 62.67
250.00% Net foreign exchange gain/(loss) 0.32 0.93 190.63% Other income 3.11 5.87 88.75% Earnings before interest and taxes 237.44 124.30 -47.65% Financial expense (2.31) (1.86) -19.48% Profit before
) % Services income 134,745,445 75,462,443 59,283,002 78.6 Cost of rendering of services (92,047,219) (46,927,415) (45,119,804) 96.1 Gross profit 42,698,226 28,535,028 14,163,198 49.6 Other income 83,215 19,864
inventory gains decrease the cost of sales and inventory losses increase the cost of sales. Core Net Profit is the Reported Net Profit less extraordinary items less tax adjusted inventory gain/loss. Net