initial quality of the financial statements before getting audited by auditors. If the financial statements are prepared correctly, auditors do not need to propose any adjustment. On the contrary, if the
to closely monitor credit quality and maintain high levels of capital fund and loan loss provisions to withstand a potential adverse impact from economic uncertainty. Credit Rating LH Financial Group
project financing requests that could have adverse impacts on the environment and society. Business units are responsible for continuous and active management of all relevant risk exposure to be in line
problem which is harmful to human health. All of these events, which are spreading across the globe, have an adverse impact on individuals and the economy as a whole, in the short and long term, and will
NML’s assets to decrease by ten percent or more or by more than Baht 5,000,000 is considered an event having a significantly Enclosure Page 3 adverse impact. 4. The debt restructuring agreement between
นั้นตองไมทําใหผูถือหุนของบริษัทแมเสียประโยชน หรือสงผลกระทบเชิงลบตอผูถือหุนเดิม (adverse impact) - บริษัทแมตองมีวิธีในการคุมครองสิทธิประโยชนของผูถือหุน โดยจัดสรรหรือใหสิทธิพิเศษในการซื้อ
shareholders’ meeting of the Company shall have approved the entering into the Transaction; and (2) No change has occurred, which causes a material adverse effect on assets, liabilities, business opportunity
relevant agreements are as follows: (1) The shareholders’ meeting of the Company shall have approved the entering into the Transaction; and (2) No change has occurred, which causes a material adverse effect
follows: (1) The shareholders’ meeting of the Company shall have approved the entering into the Transaction; and (2) No change has occurred, which causes a material adverse effect on assets, liabilities
to closely monitor credit quality and maintain high levels of capital fund and loan loss provisions to withstand a potential adverse impact from economic uncertainty. Credit Rating LH Financial Group