this global issue and urges all stakeholders in the capital market, particularly asset owners and asset managers, to prioritize positive actions on climate change as they have the decision powers to
) under consideration, the penalty already served, the impacts, damage or benefits generated, rectification or other actions benefiting or hindering SEC’s operation, and the record or other past behaviors
structure with the TCFD recommendations [2] , making them easily comprehensible. Companies have the option to implement these recommendations or initiate an analysis of their actions related to nature
strategic moves and investments has been made throughout the year. To capture opportunities on the domestic front through one of the fastest-growing channels, OSP invested in Asia Vending Machine Operation
over the years, and market participants are not always aware of current requirements or best practice. The SEC is not fully independent of the government, and cannot bring civil actions or collect
Companies concerning connected transactions B. E. 2546. KYE must take following actions:- • Seek approval from the Board of Directors' meeting. • Report and disclosure of information of this transaction to
near future then pass a unanimously resolution authorizing the Executive Committee to proceed to take legal actions immediately against related debtors and guarantor to collect the debts as much as
with allowance for doubtful debts in the amount of 320 MB. Management had evaluated and decided to take immediately the legal actions against related debtors and guarantor to collect the debts • Finance
had evaluated and decided to take immediately the legal actions against related debtors and guarantor to collect the debts Finance Cost Q3/2017, the Company and its subsidiaries have the loan interest
procedures; (3) engage an independent auditor to process and report the results of the actions under (1) and (2) and any deviation detected and the results of correction to the board of directors or the audit